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NOTE: This information is only current as of Oct 28, 2024. Please visit for the most up-to-date information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to many questions related to your transition to ASEBP benefits. If you would like clarification or have more questions, please reach out to an ASEBP benefit specialist at benefits@asebpca, call toll free 1-877-431-4786, or book a virtual or in-person meeting or call through our online booking tool.


  • August 31: This is the deadline to submit claims to your existing provider for expenses incurred on or before this date. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns about this deadline.
  • September 1: Submit claims to ASEBP for expenses incurred from this date forward. ASEBP cannot accept claims for expenses incurred prior to September 1.


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What benefits will I have?

If you are currently eligible, or will be eligible, for benefits under Rocky View Schools, your ASEBP benefits will include the following:

  • Extended Health Care - Plan 1
  • Dental Care - Plan 3
  • Vision Care – Plan 3
  • Life Insurance – Plan 2
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment – Plan 2
  • Extended Disability Benefits – Plan D

You can find more information about each at

If you are not eligible for benefits under your employer, you may be eligible for ASEBP's Supplemental benefit package.

How can I access my personal benefits information?

In August, we will share more information with you about creating your personal My ASEBP account--ASEBP's benefits portal--where you will view and manage your benefits.

Will my benefits (including dental recall times) reset as of September 1?

Yes. Your benefits, including all dental coverage (such as dental recalls), start fresh once you transition to ASEBP.


What is the difference between major and basic dental services and why might I see an out-of-pocket amount if the dental coverage indicates 100%?

Examples of major dental services include implants, dentures, and crowns. Examples of basic dental services include, but are not limited to, routine check-ups, and cleanings. A dental predetermination (treatment plan), submitted by your service provider, will confirm the amount of coverage you will receive for a particular service. ASEBP dental fees follow the Alberta Dental Association's previous year's Dental Fee Guide (i.e., in 2024, we follow the 2023 fee guide). If your dental office charges more than ASEBP’s Dental Benefit List, then the leftover portion would be out of pocket. 

Will my existing orthodontic/dental treatment plan(s) carry over to ASEBP?

Treatment plan in place but not in progress as of September 1

If you have an approved orthodontic/dental treatment plan pre-September 1, but have not started treatment as of September 1, 2024, your approved plan will be honored if the treatment is started within 120 days from the date issued. 

Treatment plan in place with progress started pre-September 1

If you have an approved orthodontic/dental treatment plan in place with treatment in progress pre-September 1, 2024, please ask your dentist to submit to ASEBP copies of all previously approved plans when submitting your first claim to ASEBP.

If the dental provider receives a rejection for services when attempting to submit a previously approved plan (from your previous provider), your dental provider can submit the approved treatment plan, together with the rejected claim, to ASEBP for correction.

Are dental appliances covered for sleep apnea?

Dental appliances are covered under your extended health benefits. The dentist cannot direct bill for these items. To receive reimbursement, you must submit a paid-in-full receipt, along with a sleep study indicating an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) over 15 (if you are over 18 years). The sleep study does not need to be recent, but it is necessary to meet eligibility criteria. Please visit Respiratory Equipment for more information.

Is polishing covered at the dentist?

One half unit of polishing is eligible for coverage, once every six months from the date of last service, for dependants under 19. 


Will my ASEBP benefits cover over-the-counter medication(s)?

Prescribed over-the-counter medications are not covered under your ASEBP Extended Health Care plan; however, you can claim over-the-counter medications through your Wellness Spending Account, if you have one.


Does the ASEBP benefit plan include orthotic insoles prescribed by a foot doctor or just orthopedic shoes?

Foot orthotics are covered under the Extended Health Care benefits. Coverage is up to $200 every calendar year and does not require a prescription from a health care practitioner. Any out-of-pocket fees are eligible for reimbursement under a health spending account.

You and your dependants each have a maximum of $1,500 towards the purchase of orthopedic shoes. A letter or prescription from a physician or nurse practitioner stating an anatomical deformity is required with your claim submission.

Please review our news article outlining changes to orthotics and orthopedic shoes benefits, effective January 1, 2025.

Are prosthetic limbs and associated liners (limb socks and necessary supplies) covered?

Prosthetic limbs and stockings/liners are eligible for coverage. You can find more information about prosthetics, including maximums and other requirements, at under the Other  Medical Services and Supplies section.

What are the per service reimbursement amounts for massage, acupuncture, etc.?

You can find the paramedical per service reimbursement amounts at by clicking the Other Services and Supplies option under the Benefits tab.

Is osteopathy treatment covered?

Treatment by a doctor of osteopathy is eligible for reimbursement under a health spending account, and treatment by a manual osteopath is eligible under your wellness spending account.


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How do I submit a claim?


  • August 31: This is the deadline to submit claims to your existing provider for expenses incurred on or before this date. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns about this deadline.
  • September 1: Submit claims to ASEBP for expenses incurred from this date forward. ASEBP cannot accept claims for expenses incurred prior to September 1.

Check with your service provider to see if they can direct bill to ASEBP, which means that you will only pay the outstanding amount not covered by your plan, if applicable. You may be able to submit any out-of-pocket amounts to your Health Spending Account, if you have one. You can also submit your claims through your My ASEBP account, either online or through the My ASEBP app.

How long does it take to be reimbursed?

Typical claims submitted through your My ASEBP account, either online or through the app, take 5-7 business days to process. Please note, we issue all claim payments electronically, so it is important that your banking information is up to date in your My ASEBP account. You can add or update your banking details quickly by clicking the profile icon and then My Profile. 

How can I get a copy of my Explanation of Benefits statement?

Once your claim is processed, the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statement will be available in your My ASEBP account under the claims tab. If you have a secondary plan, you can submit the EOB statement to the secondary provider for reimbursement. 

Can I submit my claims directly to my health spending account?

All claims covered under General Health Coverage must first be submitted under the corresponding coverage before any unpaid portions are submitted to your Health Spending Account. You can find more information at in the spending account section.

What if I don't agree with my claim decision?

If you have questions or concerns about your claim reimbursement, please reach out to a benefit specialist to discuss further. 

Can health care providers direct bill to ASEBP?

Yes, many providers can direct bill. If a service provider encounters any issues submitting claims through direct billing, they can contact Provider Services at Alberta Blue Cross for assistance. Alberta Blue Cross is our third party administrator, meaning they process and pay claims on behalf of ASEBP.

Does ASEBP require a doctor’s note to claim diabetic supplies (e.g., blood glucose monitor) or for massage or chiro, etc?

A doctor’s referral or prescription is not needed for diabetic supplies, massage therapy, or chiropractic sessions, along with many other products or services. Please visit our website under Benefits, to confirm the product or service you are considering. 

Also, please review our news article outlining changes to diabetic benefits, effective January 1, 2025.

Coordinating Benefits

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I have benefits through my partner’s plan. Can I coordinate that plan with my ASEBP plan?

Yes, you can coordinate benefits with your partner’s plan. Your plan will be primary for you, and your partner’s plan will be primary for them. When submitting claims, you should submit to your ASEBP plan first, and the remaining amount can be submitted to your partner’s plan. Your partner should submit claims to their plan first, and any remaining amounts can then be submitted to your ASEBP plan. You will need to complete a Coordination of Benefits form as soon as possible. Here's more information about coordinating benefits.

If my spouse also has a group benefits plan, to which plan do we submit claims for our child(ren)?

If you both have a group benefits plan, submit a claim for your dependant to the plan of the parent whose birthday falls first in the year. Any remaining balance can then be submitted to the other parent’s plan. Here's more information about coordinating benefits.

Do I have to complete a Coordinate of Benefits form if my benefits are currently coordinated?

To ensure that we have your most current information, including any additional coverage you may have and removing inactive plans, we are asking all Rocky View Schools staff to submit a completed Coordination of Benefits form, if applicable, before August 31.


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Up to what age are my dependant children covered under my ASEBP benefits?

Eligible dependant children are covered until age 21. However, if your dependant is between the ages of 21 and 25 as of September 1, 2024, they may be eligible to continue as your dependant if they are attending/will attend an approved post-secondary institute.

If this applies to you, you will receive an email in mid-August from ASEBP advising you to log into your My ASEBP account to submit your overage dependant declaration in advance of the benefit start date of September 1. 

You can find more information on managing your dependants under Using My Plan.

I have a permanently disabled dependant covered under my current benefits. What will happen once we transition to ASEBP benefits?

Rocky View Schools will provide ASEBP with a list of covered members and their permanently disabled dependants. These dependants will be enrolled in benefits based on their current coverage, which you can verify once you create your My ASEBP account in mid-August. Note: we will send more information to your work email on or around August 19 providing instructions to create your account.

Are dependant adult students, at post-secondary institutions outside Canada, covered?

You can find more information about dependant students living abroad at under the Using My Plan tab.

I currently coordinate benefits with my ex-spouse for our dependant children. Do I need to complete ASEBP's Coordination of Benefits form?

Yes. A Coordination of Benefits form is required for all covered members wishing to coordinate benefit between ASEBP benefits and another plan. Submitting the form as soon as possible will help ASEBP resolve any coordination of benefit issues that may arise.

Drug Special Authorizations

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I have an approved drug special authorization with my current provider. Will it carry over to my ASEBP benefits?

Existing approvals for special authorization drugs--that are covered under ASEBP benefits--will transition over to ASEBP, with an end date of August 31, 2025. If this applies to you, you will receive an email (to the address in your My ASEBP account) indicating your special authorization is in place.

After August 31, 2025, you will need to follow ASEBP’s established drug special authorization process. We encourage you to begin this process three months before this date to avoid a gap in coverage.

To ensure you are aware of your drug special authorization status, be sure to sign up for your My ASEBP account in mid-August (once you receive your ASEBP welcome email), which we will send to your work email account.


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If I am currently on leave and will not be returning to work until after September 1, 2024, do I have to pay the premiums myself until I return to work?

The requirement to pay premiums during leave depends on your school division and whether they continue to cover your benefits. If your school division does not cover your benefits, they will notify ASEBP. We will then send you a Leave of Absence package by email. In this package, you will have choices regarding the level of benefits you wish to maintain and whether you prefer to suspend benefits until you return to work.

If I am on maternity leave in another province, can I submit extended health benefit expenses from that province (E.g., massage therapy session in Ontario, counselling session in BC, etc.)?

Yes, you can submit claims from an out-of-province eligible provider. It is a covered member's responsibility to ensure the out-of-province provider meets the eligibility status. If your out-of-province provider is unable to direct billing to ASEBP, you can submit your claim, including a receipt for the service, through your My ASEBP account.

Spending Accounts


  • August 31: This is the deadline to submit claims to your existing provider for expenses incurred on or before this date. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns about this deadline.
  • September 1: Submit claims to ASEBP for expenses incurred from this date forward. ASEBP cannot accept claims for expenses incurred prior to September 1.
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Will my spending account allocation always be September 15 (other education workers)/November 30 (teachers)?

Because your ASEBP benefits launch on September 1, we have extended the allocation deadline to November 30 for teachers and September 15 for other education workers (due to CRA stipulations regarding TFSA and RRSP allocations). 

Please note that starting in 2025, your annual credit allocation deadline becomes August 31. ASEBP sends spending account allocation reminders to all covered members annually in June.

What amount(s) will I have in my spending account(s) after I allocate my credits?

Your employer calculates your credits, which are then deposited into your spending account(s) based on your chosen allocation(s). If you have questions about your total available credits, please contact your employer.

Spending account allocation options: Support and exempt staff

To allocate your credits, or to change your existing allocation: 

  • Log into your My ASEBP account (please note that you cannot allocate your credits through the My ASEBP mobile app.). 

  • Navigate to Spending Account Activity found under Benefits.  

If you have not yet allocated your credits:
  • Click the Set Allocation button (see the following image)

Set allocation

 If you wish to edit your existing credit allocation:
  • Click the Edit Allocation button

Edit allocation

After clicking the Set Allocation or Edit Allocation buttons, you will see this screen with your four allocation options. Be sure to click the Submit button when complete. 

  Allocation options


What is covered under a wellness or health spending account?

You can find more information about your health and wellness spending accounts options on the RVS Your ASEBP Benefits web page, along with more spending accounts information, including eligible expenses, at under the Benefits tab.


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Does ASEBP offer retirement benefits?

Yes, ASEBP offers retirement benefits. You can find more information, including eligibility requirements, at 

General Questions

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I am employed on a contract basis and my contract is ending. Do you have other benefits I can enroll in?

If you are going back to work on a casual basis or you are on an active substitute roster, you might also be eligible for our supplemental benefits.

Are casual support workers (i.e., educational assistant) eligible for benefits?

Casual employees may be eligible for ASEBP’s Supplemental benefit package. You can view further information on our website under the tab heading "Benefits".

Can I opt out of ASEBP benefits if I have coverage under another plan?

If you have coverage under another benefit plan, you can choose to maintain your ASEBP and coordinate coverage with the other plan or opt out of your ASEBP coverage.

If you would like to opt out, you will need to complete a Change Application form and submit it to your employer indicating “Covered Under Spouse.” If you lose the other coverage in the future, you will have 31 days to reinstate your ASEBP coverage by submitting the Change Application form along with proof of loss of the alternate coverage to your employer. 

Will all Rocky View School teachers be rolled into the ASEBP Extended Health Care Plan 1?


What levels of ASEBP benefits will I receive?

All eligible Rocky View Schools staff will receive the same ASEBP benefits (not including spending accounts): 

  • Extended Health Care - Plan 1
  • Dental Care - Plan 3
  • Vision Care – Plan 3
  • Life Insurance – Plan 2
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment – Plan 2
  • Extended Disability Benefits – Plan D

You can find more information about your spending and/or savings account options on Your ASEBP Benefits web page. 

If you have specific questions about your ASEBP benefits, please contact a benefits specialist at or call toll free 1-877-438-4545.

Will premium deductions be the same or relatively similar once we transition to ASEBP?

Please contact your employer regarding premium deductions.

Will ASEBP provide more information in the comparison list?

ASEBP offers one benefit plan that all eligible Rocky View School employees can access starting September 1. Due to the variability of plans with your current provider, conducting a straightforward comparison is not easily achieved.

Does the My ASEBP app have an option to look up what prescription drug brands are covered under our ASEBP drug plan?

Yes. You can find the drug inquiry tool option under the menu (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner.

While you can use the Drug Inquiry Tool to verify coverage for medications or if they require special handling or authorization, it is best to consult with a health care professional, such as a pharmacist, regarding generic versions of medications.