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Celebrating Black History

  • ASEBP News
Feb. 1, 2023

February is Black History Month—an opportunity to celebrate the history, culture, and continuous contributions of Black Canadians. Although we at ASEBP know that Black people deserve to be celebrated and appreciated throughout the year, and we work diligently to do so, we like using this dedicated month to share more information about the wonderful achievements and excellence of Black Canadians and the creative ways schools and school boards in Alberta are marking the month. 

Last year, we saw students and teachers participate in Black History Month-themed art projects and prepare videos on what Black History Month means to them. The Black Teachers’ Association of Alberta also hosted a wide variety of programming, and many communities and local organizations shared resources and organized events (e.g., documentary screenings, cooking classes, panel discussions, student quizzes).

We are looking forward to seeing all that has been planned for 2023. We know that the Black Teachers’ Association is collaborating with Black Student Associations across the province to hold the Second Annual Alberta Black Student Association Summit on February 25 at M.E. LaZerte High School in Edmonton (more information about the Summit can be found on this website). Education workers can also encourage students to sign up for AfroQuiz, a Jeopardy-style competition held at the Stanley A. Milner Library in Edmonton on February 25.

Organizations throughout the province are also offering a variety of programming that recognizes the diversity of Black communities as well as the struggles they face:

ASEBP is committed to amplifying Black voices, commemorating Black history, and advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion—not just this month, but every month of the year. We continue to work on our own Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy that will weave our efforts throughout every part of our business, benefitting staff, covered members, and employers alike.

I wish you all a meaningful Black History Month and look forward to continuing to show ASEBP’s (and my own) solidarity with the Black community this February and beyond.

Kelli Littlechilds