Spending account allocation deadline: If you have spending accounts, you must allocate your credits no later than August 31, 2024.


General Pop-up Window

Retirement on your mind?

Join our Spring Retirement Seminar online on different days between April 16 - 26, at 4 p.m. (MDT) to learn about retirement finances, pension options, and the journey into retirement lifestyle. 


Register for a session today! 

A New Year's Message

  • ASEBP News
Jan. 3, 2023

When I look back on 2022, I am so proud of all that we accomplished together. Without meaningful engagement and ongoing feedback from you, our covered members and employers, ASEBP would not have been able to achieve what we have in the past year.

Helpful new tools, resources, and services were launched to make accessing and using your benefits easier than ever—from new spending account resources and the Ineligible Providers feature on My ASEBP to the online booking system that allows members to book a video, phone, or in-person consultation with a benefit specialist at a time that is convenient for them.

We made improvements and changes to ASEBP benefits themselves, including expanding eligibility criteria for the MyRetiree Plan, securing a new Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) provider, and increasing the psychology per-visit covered amount to $180. Additional benefit plan changes went into effect on January 1, 2023, and included adding counsellors as eligible providers under the psychology benefit, increasing the yearly maximum for dental implants, streamlining drug management programs, and more.

Thanks to your overwhelming response and participation, our benefits fraud campaign and Education Worker Recognition Week initiative were very successful. We have also been receiving extremely useful feedback through quarterly surveys sent to various groups of covered members, so thank you for helping us know how to better meet your needs! 

Now that the calendar says 2023, I know that I am not alone in looking forward to new opportunities, fresh goals, and rekindled excitement. I can assure you that ASEBP will continue to innovate and explore ways to improve our benefits and services throughout the year, all in support of your health and wellness journey.

From all of us here at ASEBP, Happy New Year and all the best for 2023!

Kelli Littlechilds