Effective January 1, 2025, MyRetiree Plan travel benefits will have no age cap or stability clause, and a one-time six-month open enrolment period. 


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Canada Post strike

  • ASEBP News
Oct. 10, 2024
Update December 16

The Canada Industrial Relations Board has ordered Canada Post and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) to return to work and postal operations to begin to resume at 8 am local time on Tuesday, December 17, 2024.  

ASEBP will resume normal mailings on Thursday, December 19, 2024, barring additional updates from Canada Post. Priority will be given to outgoing cheques and previously identified priority mail as we are expecting pick-up limits from Canada Post.   

For the latest information and service updates, visit Negotiation Page.

Update November 15

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) has started a national strike. Canada Post’s operations will be shut down for the duration of a national strike. Customers will experience delays. For the latest information and service updates, visit Negotiation Page.


ASEBP has been made aware of a potential postal disruption as Canada Post continues to negotiate with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers to reach new collective agreements. If an agreement is not reached, Canada Post workers could go on strike as early as November. 

Uncertainty can be difficult which is why covered members’ peace of mind is important to ASEBP. Covered members are strongly encouraged to register for My ASEBP online and electronic banking before November 1 to avoid any disruption. My ASEBP is an online tool where covered members log in and can submit claims, manage their benefits, and access their balances. 

ASEBP during a postal strike 

In the event of a Canada Post strike, ASEBP will: 

  • Hold all letter mail and cheques for covered members until the postal strike has ended 
  • Contact covered members with any urgent notifications 
  • (Updated Oct. 28) Courier cheques to covered members receiving Extended Disability Benefits who are not set up for Electronic Funds Transfer

No action is needed for covered members who are registered for My ASEBP and electronic banking will continue to receive claim reimbursements and benefits information online without disruption.  

Covered members who submit and receive benefits information on paper/through letter mail, and whose claim reimbursements are received by printed cheque will experience a disruption in service. To ensure continued benefits services such as claim submissions and reimbursements, register for an online account with My ASEBP and speak with your banking institution to set up online payment.  

To register, visit My ASEBP. My ASEBP is an online tool where covered members log in and can submit claims, manage their benefits, and access their balances. 

Covered member checklist 

How to make sure a postal strike does not affect receiving important ASEBP benefits information or payment: 

  1. Register for My ASEBP using a personal email address. On My ASEBP, covered members can submit claims online and can set up Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for claims reimbursements to be directly deposited into a bank account without the need to wait for a cheque.
  2. Select an alternate way to receive important mail. Expecting an important piece of mail from ASEBP during the postal strike? These are existing options to continue to receive information: 
    • Contact ASEBP to have mail forwarded to you by email. 
    • Reside in the greater Edmonton area? Pick up letters and cheques at ASEBP’s office: Suite 301, 6104 104 Street NW in Edmonton. Government-issued identification is needed at time of pick up. Please email benefits@asebp.ca or call 1-877-431-4786 in advance to arrange a pick up time.


  1. Download the EFT Form for vendors to ensure prompt payment of accounts.

For updates about Canada Post, visit Negotiation Updates